CallMavens makes it easy to reach your community, with autodialing and auto-answer solutions to deliver messages and gather responses. We help you inform, survey and build through faster, more effective telephone communications. With our professional services, you can reach tens, hundreds or even thousands of people within minutes.
Keep your volunteer group, school parent body or religious community up-to-date with one simple call. CallMavens can be a tremendous benefit for emergency services, health organizations and local governments, as well. This time efficient and money saving system allows you to free yourself from hours of manual calls and time wasting conversations. Get the message out to your community without delay!
Our service plans are designed and priced to meet the needs of budget conscious institutions while never compromising on the professionalism and expertise you deserve from an autodialing service. We invite you to view our site and contact CallMavens with your interest today.
Easy to use web-based system allows you to:
- Upload your contacts,
- Maintain your own phone number database,
- Record your message, and
- Leave the rest to CallMavens!
You’ll have options to:
- Create your own specialized phone lists,
- Engage your audience in phone prompted responses,
- Record voice responses,
- Measure the effectiveness of your campaign
Perfect for:
- Scheduling Meetings
- Last minute program changes
- Publicizing a community event
- Fundraising
- Announcing school closings
- Emergency response systems
- Polling
- Campaigning
- Sales Organizations
- Real Estate Professionals